7 Pillars of Wellness
Discover Your Best You

Perinatal, Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for Optimal Health

Dr Cathryn Alexander
Perinatal, Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Dr Cathryn Alexander is a Perinatal, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist working in both Public and Private Practice. Cathryn obtained her Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery through the University of Sydney. She has a wide experience in medical fields as well as psychiatry, developing a rich understanding of the role of the physical body in mental health. After completing her Fellowship training in Psychiatry through The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, she then dedicated a further two years of
sub-specialty training specifically in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Disorders, allowing her to achieve a prestigious Certificate of Advanced Training in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

As a Perinatal, Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Cathryn holds a strong belief in personalising her therapeutic approach for the individual and their family. She is passionate about understanding people in their psychological difficulties and finding evidence based ways to help them. Cathryn views behavioural and mental health disturbances as a combination of biological, psychological and social factors together with other environmental, cultural and spiritual factors. She explores family history and past experiences that may contribute to their current difficulties, before helping families develop practical strategies to improve the quality of life for themselves and their families. Not only does she strive to fulfil a biopsychosocial/ cultural/spiritual approach to patient issues, but also considers the practical aspects of the mind/body connection.
Her area of expertise includes issues during pregnancy and birth, continuing with families through baby and toddler-age until the age of three. With a gentle, calm approach, Cathryn’s main method of working is psychotherapy. This involves talking therapy but may also include play therapy (assisting the mother-child relationships and maternal mental health), couple therapy (to help with issues around the transition to parenthood) and specific support for fathers. She also works in therapeutic models where family members’ expertise is valued and at times family therapy with the whole family may be of benefit. She prescribes and manages medication if required.
Cathryn also has an interest in therapy where parents are included when children or adolescents present with problems. She sees families with young children to adolescents with problems including Anxiety Disorders and Depressive Disorders, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, developmental factors including giftedness, delay and Autism and medical symptoms including in chronic illness.
Cathryn can facilitate links of families with other health and educational professionals and who provide a range of therapies and other interventions that can be helpful for children and adolescents. Cathryn does not manage inpatient admissions, but will assist in organising a mother baby unit admission if required.
Medication Consultation
Tailored For You
Medications are an important part of recovery for some people but not for everyone. We offer an informed, highly-tailored approach to considering whether medications have a place for you. We believe strongly in monitoring and reviewing medications that we advise and see this as an importnat part of your ongoing care. For most people, medication is recommended to support other parts of treatment and is not a stand-alone solution.

Family, Parent and Group Therapy
A Happier, Healthier You
At 7pillarsofwellness, our Therapy modalities provide patients with the resources and tools for growth and recovery.
Many patients already know about individual therapy, although many people benefit from additional family sessions, parent sessions or group therapy.

Optimising Lifestyle Factors for Your Best Health
Whole Person Wellness
An evidence-based approach to the fundamental building blocks of good health- Sleep, Nutrition, Routine, Exercise.

Opening Hours
7 Pillars at Monbulk
Tues: 8am - 5:30pm
Wed: 8am - 5:30pm
Thurs: 8am - 5:30pm
0423 871 661
Parking at the front